Inspired by Diego Lemos
In random order
- a game is over when all fields in a row are taken by a player
- players take turns taking fields until the game is over
- a game is over when all fields in a diagonal are taken by a player
- a game is over when all fields are taken
- there are two players in the game (X and O)
- a game has nine fields in a 3x3 grid
- a game is over when all fields in a column are taken by a player
- a player can take a field if not already taken
Starting Points
Clojure, CoffeeScript, C++, C#, Erlang, Groovy, Intercal, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, PHP, Ruby, Scala
Image credits
Image by Rachel M. Carmena. It represents a greeting of respect and gratitude made at the beginning and at the end of a kata.